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December 13, 2005

Grammar pet peeves

For anyone that doesn't already know, I'm an English teacher. Or I'm supposed to be; once I got a taste of the public school system I knew four years of college had gone down the poop chute.

Anyway, the English teacher in me came out yesterday while I was sitting in the waiting room at the doc's office. There was a big banner that said:

"Congratulation's on 10 years in practice!"

First of all, I'm glad they spelled "congratulations" correctly, too many times people put a "d" in there instead of a "t". But what the heck is that apostrophe for? Does congratulation own something? Is it a contraction of "congratulation is?"

I'm anal, I know. I can't help it. I'm a stickler proper for grammar, spoken and written. Nothing chaps me more than when someone says "I seen." Grrrrrrrrr! One time Husband and I went out to dinner and I corrected the hostess at the restuarant because she had written that the day's vegetable was "carrotes." I told her there's no "e" when pluralizing carrots, unless they've been cross bred with potatoes. Dan Quayle must have really made a mark, you know?

Husband was so ashamed, but at least the hostess corrected her sign.

Oh yeah, not to be a stinker, but I tend to spell-check blogs too...my gawd I'm a mess! Hello, life? Can I get one???

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