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December 09, 2005

It's colder than a mother-in-law's kiss!

And I should know!

Actually, it's warmer than it was yesterday, but not by much.

No school today either, which doesn't bother me much, because all the kids are missing school, not just Son. But it was as if it became a self-fulfilling prophecy! All the teachers said "Don't worry about this for tomorrow" and the bus driver said "I'll see you Monday!" when she dropped Son off.

So here I sit, with my laptop and a cup of coffee. Yeah, it's early, but Daughter was up at 5:08 this morning, and after I tucked her back in bed there was no way I could go back to sleep, so here I am watching the local news for closings and delays.

Mornings like this make me wish I hadn't moved Daughter out of the crib.

As long as Son will be home today, he can help me wrap Husband's presents. Yesterday I got all of Son's gifts wrapped; I wanted to get that stuff done before his Christmas break. It's nice, because once I get Daughter down for her nap I can use my dining room table as a big wrapping table. Take that, Candy Spelling! The only problem is this: I know I bought more Scotch tape, but I'll be damned if I can find it. And the drawback to buying presents so early is that I forget what I got and where I hid it.

I'll probably find the tape and some odd present stashed in the back of the coat closet in, like, June.

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