December 02, 2005
SAHM I am, Damn it!

To set the stage, I e-mailed her to tell her about our Thanksgiving weekend, and said that it was probably good we didn't get together while I was up in Erie, as I was so tired the whole time. I then told her what's been going on, how I've got all my shopping and Christmas cards done. I closed by inviting her and hers down over the kids' Christmas break.
To which she replied: "Christmas in OH?...Hell no!!!"
(Don't hold back or anything.)
Then she tells me she expects a handmande Christmas card from me, since I have so much time on my hands. She went on about other stuff, but in the interest of privacy I won't go into it.
But DAMN IT. She works....but I don't? I have so much time on my hands? Really, and not like I have to defend myself to you all, but this here blog thing is my only diversion these days; the only "conversation" I have with anyone other than my kids.
I'm not going to sit here and defend myself to anyone. I made the choice to stay home, I'm doing what I feel to be the right thing for my family.
But still, my friend making the comments that she made pissed me off.
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