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November 30, 2005

How many tens?

Son came home with four pages of math homework tonight, and after supper we sat down to work on them Husband has lost his voice, so he could only poke me in the arm.

Well! First grade math isn't hard for me, but for Son it was torture. He was practically in tears because he didn't understand and was so afraid of getting the wrong answer. But we soldiered on, giving him clues as to how to figure out how many tens and how many ones.


You know what? I got my alumni magazine today from the "hotbed of liberalism" university I graduated from, and my class, 1992, had only five updates. Five. One of them was about a priest! I knew this guy in school, very nice, and I assume he's a great priest. But the class of 1992 has little to brag about this quarter.

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