September 16, 2005
This, That, and the Other Thing...
Took Daughter to the pediatrician this morning for her two year well kid check-up. Now that she's two years old, I don't have to strip her down to her diaper to be weighed and measured; she stood on the scale like a big girl. She's a little over three feet tall! She's tall! But, she only weighs 31 pounds...but Son was just the same way, tall and thin...and a damn picky eater. It drives me insane.I know, I know, kids play with their food.
I stopped at, like, the only party store in this armpit of Ohio, and they had no Star Wars balloons. Damn damn damn damn...but I ordered balloons anyway, in SW colors (whatever) and the lady behind the counter was nice enough to give Daughter a free balloon.
Daughter and I ran to a couple more places, and after today I know why I don't like to run more than one errand a day with the kids. We were both worn out!
On to Bush's speech last night, if you were wondering if I watched it...and I did, watch most of it, but then I fell asleep. So I have nothing to say about that...for once!
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