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September 07, 2005

You Think I Forgot, Right?

Well, no I didn't forget to post today, this thing called "life" happened today (yes, I do have a life that doesn't involve blogs and the blogging bloggers who blog).

I've been in a mood most of the day and just didn't want to inflict that on you all, so I cleaned the house, talked for almost two hours to a new friend (on the phone...and she didn't insult me, like some commenters do...you know who you are!) and started firming up plans for Son's birthday party.

The invites went out to his classmates yesterday! The kids are really excited; I just hope I can keep their attention. I've got great names for all the grub I'll be serving, and I'm going to put pictures on everything; here's the rundown, tell me what you think:

Sidious Joes (sloppy joes, I couldn't call them "Sidious Slop" right?)
TIE Fighter Ties (hot dogs with bread sticks baked around them to look like TIE Fighters)
Anakin's Chips (because, let's face it, the boy had issues)
Yoda Soda (green Hawaiian Punch)
Jedi Juice (blue punch)
Tatooine Tonic (red punch)

And then cake, which is just "cake" and ice cream, which I may call "Hoth cream" who knows...

And there'll be a pinata! Jedi mind tricks! Music! Woo! Hoo!

Aw crap, maybe I really don't have a life!

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