September 02, 2005
Hot Guy Friday

Okay, I confess, the other day when my sinuses were a-poundin' I sat down to watch VH1's Behind the Music and it just happened to be about Guns N' Roses. Slash caught my eye, mostly because he was interviewed, and he had all that hair away from his face. He's intriguing.
Plus, I've always had a weakness for guitar players. And I love that damn hat.
Slash just came across as someone I'd like to sit down and drink with. The man could probably drink me under the table...okay, no contest there, but still. He seems like a pretty cool guy.
And no, if you're wondering, I haven't heard any Velvet Revolver stuff. I was a Stone Temple Pilots fan, even saw them in concert once, but Weiland has been shooting that smack too much...and to be completely honest, I lost interest in GNR after Appetite for Destruction. Axl, that fart, got so artsy poo-poo. I mean really, diving off an aircraft carrier and swimming with dolphins?
But anyway, SLASH! Cool drinking buddy? Damn good guitarist!
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