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August 20, 2005

The Big Night

I'm sure you're all slightly interested in finding out how the big night out went. Well, it wasn't as great as I'd hoped it would be.

After all the planning and worrying, packing and pressing, I forgot my damn makeup. There I was, in the hotel bathroom, just about in tears because I'd forgotten to pack my makeup! Luckily for me, Husband's buddy's wife was there to rescue me. I guess I looked alright, at least Husband said I looked good.

The dress, that beautiful red thing, well, it just sort of hung there. I got one compliment the whole night. Oh well, what was I expecting? One of local news personalities was there, and her red dress looked a lot better on her. Of course, her breast area looked a lot better than mine...

Husband got some special recognition he wasn't expecting, so that was nice.

There was a funny incident: while telling Buddy and his wife about this here blogging thing, I mentioned that I have a couple Liberals who come over to yell at me. The wife of one of the other guys at the table says "I'm a proud Liberal, so no jokes please." I looked at her and said "Hey, I'm just talking about the Libs that yell at me, I'm not making jokes about you all...yet." And for the rest of the evening she shot me these "I'm being polite but I really hate you" looks. By the way, the one compliment I got on my dress was from this woman's husband. Buddy's wife said "Yeah, it does say 'Republican' doesn't it?" just to sort of rub that woman's face in it. I just rolled my eyes...what ever. It was a dress, people, not a political statement.

Honest and for true, folks, I didn't make any jokes one way or another about politics, or even talk politics. I spent most of my evening talking to one of Husband's co-workers about country music.

I can't say I had a particularly great time. Husband took a picture of me, but I haven't even downloaded it off the camera yet to see how I looked.

Next year, please, remind me not to anticipate this so damn much.

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