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July 13, 2005

This is too "Erie!"

Okay, so most of you know that I'm originally from the Erie, PA area, and that I regularly check out their local paper on the Internet. So I was kind of taken off guard this morning to see one of the headlines is about Geraldo Rivera (or Jerry Riviera, as I call him) is in town investigating the "Pizza Bomber Case."

Remember this? Two years ago a guy robbed a local bank, had some kind of collar bomb around his neck, which exploded before the bomb squad got there. My goodness, it was all over the national news. This happened just a couple weeks before Daughter was born, and I remember being in the hospital, in labor, watching MSNBC yelling to the nurses "Oh my gosh, they're at the State Police barracks! Look, we're on national news!" Well, it took my mind off labor pains anway. And where this happened was at the entrance to the shopping area I always went to for groceries...I drove through a crime scene!

And what's really freaky about all this is the Rothstein "connection" everyone tries to make. He stored the dead body of a dude his female friend shot. And this female friend lived right down the block from my parents. My mother remembers hearing a shotgun blast.

So, hey, don't rely on me to give you the info, go over to this here web page and read the article titled "Focus on Facts."

And I hate to admit that Rivera is right about one thing: Erie is too "mall-centric."

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