July 08, 2005
Hot Guy Friday

Josh Lucas!
I read an article about in in Elle...or was it Vogue...I can't remember, but it was in one of those two mags. (Yeah, I read those, so what??)
Anyhoo, Josh Lucas! I've only seen him in "Sweet Home Alabama," but the man is hot! I've seen previews for that new movie "Stealth" and yummmmmm. I love a man in uniform. Are they supposed to be Air Force or Navy pilots in this movie? I can't remember...but I'm partial to the Air Force, I don't know why.
Ewan McGregor update: I read in a year-old magazine last week that Ewan McGregor had done a movie called "Young Adam" and he gets naked in this one. The article said something like "he's not afraid to get nude a lot, and show off" or something like that. Oh yeah, you know I'm shelling out the cash to buy that movie. Oh my!!
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