July 08, 2005
"Their resilience is impressive."
It hit me yesterday while I was listening to Rush Limbaugh...I know someone living over in the London area! I shot out a quick email to The Knight (his alias for reasons dating back to high school...he'll know why I call him that...) and this morning got a response. I hope he doesn't mind me sharing with you, but:"I'm fine. I work just under a mile southwest of Tavistock Square and about a mile and a half from Kings Cross. I was a bit late getting in so I was on the Central line tube when they reported that they wouldn't be stopping at Liverpool Street because of a security issue there. I get off long before that so I didn't think very much of it. At work we were on the internet news site a lot. It sounded so dramatic on the news but in the middle of London, it didn't seem like anything.
I didn't see any panic here but there was a surreal feel in the air. The tubes and buses stopped going to central London until late in the evening. Most shops shut down in the middle of the day because their second shift of employees couldn't make it to work. Thousands of people were walking home in the afternoon. It was very quiet. It doesn't sound like much, but without traffic noises, you could actually hear the footsteps. It was odd.
Today, it's business as usual here. Tubes and buses are all back up and no stress in the air. I guess London is pretty strong after dealing with the near daily IRA bombings years ago. Their resilience is impressive."
Well, that's good! I'm glad The Knight and his wife are okay.
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