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June 27, 2005

Changed my home page

After being lambasted by a commenter about reading Fox News too much, Husband told me to make Google News my home page instead.

"Fox takes too long to load," he told me.

"Everything takes too long to load," I snapped back. "Damn dial-up!"

Same "discussion," different day.

So, how was your weekend? It was hothothot here in the Buckeye state, and Sunday was probably the worst day. Even at 7 p.m. things hadn't cooled down much. But, despite the suffocating heat, we went to church, whereupon Daughter decided she was going to get squirmy. I took her out and walked the lobby until it was time for the kids to go to Children's church, then I snuck back in the sit with Husband.

I called up to see how Son was doing at my mother's, and he was napping. My mother proceeded to guilt trip me again about getting my truck into someone before we leave for MI. It's still making that noise, and she's all "You want to get stranded somewhere in 90 degree heat with those kids?"

I'm taking it into a dealer, or at least going to try, and hopefully they can give me a loaner if they need to keep it over night. I do not relish the thought of sitting in a dealership waiting area with Daughter, but one has to do these things if one wants transportation.

Another hazy day...I need more coffee.

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