January 27, 2006
Showin' off that lightsaber, huh?
This from my new favorite Munuvian site, Martinis, Persistence, and A Smile: Sienna Miller bounces back from Jude with Hayden Christensen.
Okay. Hayden's cute, I'll give him that. But Sienna? Girl, settle down for a while. First of all, Jude Law is a weeniefart who's losing his hair. You need to have some downtime, focus more on your work, less on your tingling genitalia.
Here's a thought to ponder, though: Is Christensen as stilted and wooden in bed as he was in Star Wars???
"I'm not the lover I should be. I want more..." Yikes!
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Ummm.... Who the heck is Sienna Miller?
Posted by: Brian B at January 31, 2006 09:43 AM