February 19, 2006
Conversation in the Book Store
Yesterday Husband, the Younglings, and I were browing through the bookstore. I was looking at the Religious Fiction books when Husband says:
"Look, honey, you should read this book!"
He holds up some anti-Bush book. I made a face and gave Husband the old "one finger salute." He likes to tease me about my Liberal youth.
Husband then says:
"Oh, this one is even better!"
He makes a bee-line for Al Franken. I see where he's heading and say, rather loudly:
"Not Al Franken, please! He makes me puke."
Husband remarked that there was an entire section of anti-Bush, anti-Republican, anti-Conservative books. I looked and said, loudly again, "Oh, gee, a whole section of Liberal Socialism crap! This is why I buy my books on Amazon. At least there I can find books I WANT TO READ!"
And I don't really give a flying fart if I pissed anyone off or not. Bastards!
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And no smart-ass commentators when you buy on the web!
Posted by: junebee at February 19, 2006 02:31 PMBook bought on Amazon.com: $29.95
Shipping from Amazon.com: Free.
Intentionally pissing off moonbats at bookstore: Priceless.