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March 10, 2006

This N' That

Last night I decided that maybe I should get me some cookin' learnin' from blog bud BrianB. He's going to be attending culinary school (something I'm jealous of), and since I've now dubbed myself "The Queen of Casseroles" I figure I need all the help I can get.

But aren't casseroles so easy? You just dump everything into a dish and bake. The "hardest" thing about making supper last night was browning the ground beef. Big whoop. I tried a new recipe I'd found called Hamburger Hot Dish, which was basically chili with potatoes...only not soupy. It was good! Husband liked it! Son liked it!

So, are you wondering if we went to that home Bible group last night? Yeah, we went, even though Husband had a headache. The younglings played in the basement while the adults had that ice-breaker, get to know you conversation. We had to make a list of four things about ourselves, one being false. You know the drill, and I thought "Oy, another meme." Well, here's my list:

I am a blogger
My blog was mentioned in WaPo
I was a Civil War reenactor
I was in a movie

Everyone guessed that being in a movie was false, but it wasn't. I looked at our hosts and said "Come on, you know me, like the Washington Post would mention me?" So that was that. When it came to Husband's list, everyone thought his antique shopping in Egypt was false, but AHA! It's not.

Okay, well, the wind is a-blowin' around my little "mountain home" and Daughter and I are going to have "Breakfast with Bear." I wonder if he serves coffee?

Show Comments �

Posted by Groovyvic at 06:32 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Two words:

Alton Brown.

Seriously, if you want to start learning more about cooking, and can find the time, watch Good Eats. He's all about methods and skills, not recipes.

Posted by: Barbra S at March 10, 2006 09:42 AM

Yeah, I've watched him before and I like him. Most of the time it's all I can do to watch Paula Deen, but I have her cookbooks and I do use them. I'm going to have to go get some Alton Brown books.

Posted by: GroovyVic at March 10, 2006 09:48 AM

Oh, that was me, I used the Barbra S as a joke over at the Llamas.

I have his book I'm Just Here For the Food -- I highly recommend it as your first Alton Brown book.

Posted by: Brian B at March 10, 2006 10:43 AM

Alton Brown totally rocks. I was just thinking yesterday how much I miss watching his show. FoodTV sucks nowadays. Don't EVEN get me started on Rachel Ray. Ugh.

There's always the standby classic, "Joy Of Cooking". It's on CD now.

We played that game at my bridal shower. It wasn't any easier with people I know well!

Posted by: junebee at March 10, 2006 02:24 PM