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May 19, 2006

I wasn't confused

Yeah, okay, "Britney's Law?"

Isn't it basically the same all over the country regarding car seats?

I'm not the sharpest crayon in the box, but I was pretty clear as to the rules and regulations about car seats. Law and order every time, that's me.

I don't see how it can be so confusing. Oh wait, I forgot who we're dealing with here.

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Posted by Groovyvic at 05:53 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

You know, I don't know if it's the same law all over the country. My youngest are 7, and I tend to tune out the laws regarding babies. I do know that when they were 1, they weren't anywhere near 20 lbs, and their doc said it was ok to turn them because they were getting too big to be facing backwards.

Posted by: Theresa at May 19, 2006 06:59 AM

It's a matter of state law and I believe (although I have not checked) that there are some variations.

As a matter of fact, I couldn't even tell you what the law is here in the great Commonwealth of Virginia. We just kept the Llama-ettes backward until it seemed a good idea to turn 'em around. Then we sat 'em up in car seats when it seemed time. Then we switched to booster seats when they seemed big enough.

Posted by: Robbo the Llama Butcher at May 19, 2006 07:57 AM

In PA it was the same thing, face backward until 20 pounds or one year. Regular car seats until 4 years, and then booster seats until age 8. There were some weight and height requirements in there too, but I still have Son in a booster seat. He likes it; he can see out the windows better.

Maybe I was just really anal rententive, but I studied all that stuff religiously and stuck to it. There are variations by state, but I don't see how it can be that confusing. Am I over thinking this one?

Posted by: GroovyVic at May 19, 2006 08:36 AM

Naw, there's no harm in stickling on this one if you like. I simply went with what seemed like common sense and didn't worry too much about it.

Not too long ago, I picked up the eight year old at her friend's house in my jeep. She plumped down in the front seat and her friend asked me, "Can you turn off your passenger-side air bag?"

"Uh, no," I answered.

The little friend's eyes went marble-shaped. "You can't?" he gasped, "Wow - my dad would never let me sit in the front seat with an air bag."

Posted by: Robbo the LB at May 19, 2006 01:23 PM