July 05, 2006
Bare It!
Do you have a lot of pictures on your walls?
I don't. And there's a reason for this, but no one ever wants to ask. So I'm going to say it now.
In my old home, the walls were brown. Brown paneling, that is. Brown everywhere. Even the floors were shades of brown! (It was an older home, and I certainly didn't pick the color schemes.) And we had a lot of crap; think 10 pounds of shite in a five pound bag. So it was a cluttered, dark house.
When we built this house, somewhere in OH, Husband and I were struck by how nice and light the house was. I had all the walls painted "Navajo White," which isn't whitewhite, but not cream, nor eggshell. It's nice and light. And I don't have pictures on my walls.
I'm loathe to put nail holes in my walls, nor do I want to make the rooms seem darker by putting up all the pictures and what not that I've acquired.
And who the hell wants to dust all that crap?
So when one of the BIL's said he was going to get me paintings for Christmas (and he wanted to see them on my walls) I got kind of pissy.
It's my house, my walls, I do the dusting. He can do what ever the hell he wants with his walls, but keep the crap off mine. I'm sick of sitting around in the damn dark. Besides, I sat and looked at Strong Vincent and Joshua Chamberlain (see the pic below) for years, it's time for a change.

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I have so much stuff I would like to put on the walls but I am SO sorry at hanging pictures. I've got family pictures, a large display case of my martial arts belts throughout the ranks, (and other martial arts memorabilia), our framed wedding invitation someone did for us for a gift, pictures all SORTS of relatives gave me after seeing my blank walls, etc.
Despite using a "stud finder" (I know, lots of room for laughs there!) I cannot for the life of me find the right place to hang a picture.
Posted by: junebee at July 5, 2006 01:59 PMWe don't have much on our walls either, but it has more to do with not having pictures to hang on them and not being able to agree as to what type of pictures to hang on them. I have the print of Tigertail Beach which I wanted in our bedroom, but it's in the living room right now because it was too bare in there and husband didn't mind it.
Posted by: Anna at July 5, 2006 03:04 PM