August 02, 2006
What Say You?

So, Mel Gibson. What do we think?
Personally, I think he's a dumbass who should learn about the concept of filtering the info between his brain and his mouth.
Or get a blog, one of the two.
Look, I've always liked Mel, especially his ass in the first Lethal Weapon movie. (Oh what a wonderous sight for a seventeen year old girl!) But now he's just acted like an ass.
His first mistake was driving drunk (and getting caught), but for the love of crap, Mel, what don't you understand about "license, registration, proof of insurance, get out and walk this line"?
Is he anti-Semitic? Well...admit it, don't we all have some not so politically correct opinions? But as far as Mel goes...perhaps he is.
I don't care how drunk he was, he should have kept his mouth shut. I know, people's inhibitions are lowered when they drink, trust me I KNOW. This is why I don't flash my pretty bras to everyone and when I'm sober as a judge. I just do that when I'm drunk.
For the record, I'm not anti-Semitic (I don't know anyone who is Jewish, and to be honest, I don't understand anti-Semitism in the first place; what did the Jews ever do to deserve that???).
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Isn't it odd how everybody has forgotten that he was driving DRUNK? For that alone, he should be hung out to dry. But, all his cohorts in Hollywood don't care about that.
Good rant by the way. You pretty much summed it up.;)
Posted by: thirdee at August 2, 2006 06:47 AMGood point. Didn't he even acknowledge that he has a drinking problem? No one is addressing this?
"I just do that when I'm drunk."
Note to self... continue to hone already-impressive margarita making skills....
Posted by: Memento Moron at August 2, 2006 02:54 PMSuch a cute face and such a stupid man....too bad he decided that all his problems were Jewish....didn't even know they made liquor! I'll still go to his movies because I like his professional work just not his personal views. I'm new to your blog, found you thru Agent Bedhead, and enjoy your site.
Posted by: LeeAnn at August 2, 2006 03:08 PMDon't forget that cute butt, LeeAnn! I too will continue to see his movies. In fact, I think I'll watch Lethal Weapon again tonight....
MM, trust me, you DO NOT want to get my so drunk that I flash my bra. Good grief, after two kids....ugh! *shudder*
Posted by: GroovyVic at August 2, 2006 05:58 PMThis from a guy who claims to be so religious - a la "The Passion Of The Christ". That's what really gets me.
Posted by: junebee at August 2, 2006 07:13 PMThe sad part is, the movie itself was very well-done, and not anti-semitic, unless you come to it with that bias. But because of his stupidity, people will have an excuse to dismiss the film. GK Chesterton, I think, said that the greatest argument against Christianity is... Christians.
Oh, by the way, I'll take my chances....
Posted by: Memento Moron at August 2, 2006 09:50 PM