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November 20, 2006

So Much To Do

Well, it looks like Daughter will make a recovery. I slathered her with Vicks last night, in an attempt to break up the gunk she's trying to cough up. She seems to have slept better, at least.

Just to be on the safe side, though, I'm not taking her anywhere if I don't have to. We're going to get through this Thanksgiving business come hell or high water, even if it means staying at the hotel with her while Husband has dinner with his family.

I just have to figure out where to put Daughter's potty so she can, you know...

But....so now I guess I should get to work on Christmas, huh? Can you believe I haven't started my shopping? Well, to be honest, I have gotten a few things, mostly gift cards, but I haven't started shopping for the younglings yet. I know, I know, but Husband bitches at me every year for getting the kids too much and I'm getting tired of it. I finally told him to get off his arse and shop with me, and he will, but he can't seem to figure out just when he wants to go.


Those Christmas cards are sitting on my desk, looking at me and saying "finish us!" Well I would if Husband hadn't disconnected the printer. I'm going to try sending out those trite and sugary family update letters, and how the hell can I print the damn thing if Husband has the stupid thing off the network? (The answer is: get off my arse and carry my laptop to the printer and print that way.)

I showed Husband what I'd written so far, and came to the conclusion that we are a very boring bunch of people.

Anyone who would like an official GroovyVic Eiffel (French last name, remember) Christmas card can e-mail me and I will be happy to share some Christmas joy with you! Don't worry, you won't get a letter...unless you ask for it!

Any and all addresses that you send me will be kept totally confidential!!!

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