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January 04, 2007

Being Nice and Candy Up the Nose

Yesterday was, I don't know, just not a good day. I should have been dancing in the road; Husband went back to work and Son went back to school. I could have some small bit of peace, but NOOOOOOO!

Daughter and I set out for my least favorite chore, groceries, and all went well. I managed to avoid temptation at Wal-Mart (which, spelled backwards, is "tram-law") and kept the spending within budget.

BTW, grapes were $1.98/lb. What the piss?

Anyway, we got home and as soon as I got La Tahoe in the garage I just felt like "I'm so damn tired of doing this." (In a mood, feeling angry...one of those days.) The job of unpacking all the groceries was made worse by Daughter approaching me every two minutes for a banana...or juice...or crackers...or what ever!

Then she stuck candy up her nose. I don't know why she did this. Don't worry, it was one of those little Nerd candies; it started to melt almost as soon as it hit her nose. But I was all like "Why did I have children?"

I called a friend at that point and we compared notes on our day thus far. It wasn't even noon and we'd both had pretty rotten mornings!

Fast forward to 5:00 p.m. when Son and I arrived for his eye exam. I was met in the parking lot by a woman who said the doc was really backed up, that someone had been sitting and waiting since 1:30! Crap. Soooooo, Son and I hustled in and I just rescheduled. There's nothing wrong with his eyes, it was just a routine check-up, and I told the receptionist to get those other folks out of there (and there was no where to sit).

No big deal. I was happy to not have to wait!

Let's hope today is better.

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Posted by Groovyvic at 06:55 AM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

I was also suffering from having children yesterday. And why is it that doctor's offices love to have people schedule appointments but then fail to follow their own schedule, especially those doctors that don't have emergencies. I now make it a practice to call 30 minutes before my appointment and ask just how long the wait is and then either reschedule or inform the receptionist that I'll be in at the time I will be seen, not at my "official" appointment time....might as well wait at home where I can be comfortable.

Posted by: LeeAnn at January 4, 2007 12:00 PM

On a brighter note, I had an 11:00 a.m. dentist appointment, but was there early enough that I was done by 10 minutes after!

And no cavities!

Posted by: GroovyVic at January 4, 2007 12:02 PM