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May 09, 2007


Okay, so yesterday I went in for the pre-admission testing, which consisted of answering some questions about my health history and whatnot, and giving some blood samples. (Apparently they want to run a pregnancy test. !!! If I was in the family way there'd be a lot of 'splainin' to do!) NOT my favorite way to spend the morning, but it had to be done. But that wasn't even the really interesting part of my day.

No, that was when I went to pick up Daughter. You see, my friend (another mom whose son is in class with my son) was watching Daughter for me, but she was at the middle school preparing for Teacher Appreciation Day. So, that's where I had to go to pick up my kid. Only I stayed a lot longer than I planned.

Let me first say that the secretary for that middle school has some attitude adjusting to do. She's the definition of "cranky bitch."

Anyhoo, yeah, I ate cafeteria food (bleh) for the first time in a long time, and then stayed to help out the PTO moms. The teachers had a luncheon, and while they ate, the moms watched their classes. So, in a roundabout way, Daughter and I were recruited to help out.

And now I know why I don't utilize that teaching degree that my friend was bragging about. Now, yesterday was the first time I'd been in front of a room full of kids in about, oh I don't know, a very long time. I did help a couple kids with their English homework, but for the most part I wasn't left feeling some great urge to get my OH teaching certificate.

Daughter, on the other hand, basked in the attention she received from not only the teachers and staff, but the sixth graders as well.

A long day, an unexpected day, but I did have fun browsing the school library.

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