July 13, 2007
Night Shift
Okay. Yes, I'll admit it, I did watch General Hospital: Night Shift last night.

Well, I taped it.
Anyway...yeah. Um, okay.
But I would just like to know how in the hell Jason could have been around to take Spinelli to the hospital with a gunshot wound to the foot when Jason is supposed to be in prison?! Hello?
And did we really need to see: Dr. Robin Scorpio and Dr. Patrick Drake getting dirty in the shower? Or Maxiepad and Coop getting it on in a supply room? With handcuffs no less?
The rumors are true, Billy Dee Williams (a.k.a. Lando Calrissian) is on the show...he's a janitor. Woo hoo?
I don't quite know what to think about this show just yet.
But, as I post my opinions, General Hospital has just started (on SoapNet), so that's that. Elizabeth swiped Lucky's badge to visit Jason in prison!!
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