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November 20, 2007


As you may or may not know, Daughter is in pre-school four mornings a week. She rides the bus to and from school, and I always meet the bus. I have to, actually.

So today I see that it's 12:14 and start putting on my shoes so I can head down to wait for the bus. I took a book with me, since the time the bus shows up varies from one day to the next. Yesterday I waited until 12:40!

Off La Tahoe and I go, down the verra long driveway, and as soon as I start down the slope I see this sitting at the end of my driveway:


"Aw shit!"

I raced to the bus, as Daughter watched, and wondered why in the bloody hell the bus was here at 12:15!

"Oh, we had, like, no kids on today, so we're really early. Didn't the school call you?" the bus driver (not our usual driver) asked me.

Why, no.

I felt like total crap, but the driver assured me that they hadn't waited long, that she would have even driven up my driveway, but she didn't know what was at the end. I told her it's just our house and that there's plenty of room to turn around. I mentioned that I don't leave the house until 12:15 to wait, and that Daughter's usual arrival time is usually closer to 12:30.

See, I can't see the road from my house; I have no idea what's going on down there, which is why I can be found sitting down there for up to a half hour waiting for my kids to get off the bus.


And, yeah, the school did call....at the exact time I was pulling out of my garage (according to the timestamp on my answering machine).

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Posted by Groovyvic at 02:26 PM | Comments (0)