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March 11, 2008

Remarkable Brain

I had two parent/teacher conferences tonight. Daughter is doing well, a bit temperamental, but learning and excelling nonetheless. The teacher thought Daughter would be moving on to Kindergarten next year, but I said "Oh, I thought she'd have another year of pre-K, seeing as how she'll turn five in September."

"Oh," said the teacher, "I've been sending her to the computer lab with my four-year-olds!"

"Keep it up, Daughter loves it," I replied.

So that went well.

Then I met with Son's teacher. Now, I have to be honest, I just love this woman. She is just everything one would want in a teacher! She assured me that Son is doing very well, and she wishes she could spend more one-on-one time or have small group time with her better students.

And, I did not know this, but the state mandates that schools have to identify gifted students but they don't have to do anything about it, which leaves me wondering if, Son truly is gifted, what the hell happens then? He's a bright kid, loves sciences...

And! If that revelation wasn't enough, Son's teacher said the district wants to start full inclusion, which said teacher isn't really too happy about. I know the special needs teacher isn't thrilled about it either.

I told Son's teacher that I'd been exploring home schooling. At this stage of the game it's the only viable alternative, but I hate the thought of yanking Son out of school, away from his peer group.

At this rate, I'm just waiting to see what comes down from the almighty school board.

I did, however, leave the school knowing that the younglings are doing well, and that maybe I'm not such a screw-up as a mother after all.

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Posted by Groovyvic at 08:04 PM | Comments (0)