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April 01, 2008


Tonight, while the kids were brushing their teeth, I broke out in song and dance.

Yes, that's right, for some reason I was compelled to sing this:

"Brush your teeth, round and round, Circles small, gums and all, A small, soft toothbrush the round and round way, Will keep your teeth healthy and stop tooth decay, So brush very carefully, two times a day, Go round and round, Round and round."

Got that vision fixed in your brain yet???

Husband looked at me as if I'd just lost my marbles, and I said "Don't you remember? On Captain Kangaroo?"

He didn't, apparently.

I've been scouring these here Internets for a video of that song, but haven't been able to find anything (except the lyrics, that is) as definitive proof that that song indeed exists and I'm not loopy.

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Posted by Groovyvic at 07:31 PM | Comments (0)