April 03, 2008
Drama, Drama, Drama
So, have you seen High School Reunion?
I'm ashamed to say that I'm caught up in it, although I watch the episodes online while my kids are at school. It's like...really pathetic! Totally!
Anyhoo, so yeah, this group from a TX school (class of '87 - bleh) come together at a forkin' Hawaiian island estate for criminey sake and proceed to bitch, cry, yell, hook up...it's irritating.
Every week I sit here and say "What ever happened to getting together, getting loaded, and laughing your rears off at stupid jokes from twenty years ago?"
I know, right?
Because my twenty year reunion is coming up, this show makes me laugh. There is no way in hell I'd pack up and spend time at some secluded place with anyone I graduated with...or be just desperate enough to try and hook up with any of the guys.
Grody to the max!
None of that for this Groovester! No, I plan on planting myself down with numerous beers and watching the hilarity ensue.
Oh yeah, as for this show, next week is the final episode and they're going to have a prom! For the love of Pete, I mean my goodness! There'll be some surprise guest as well...my guess is the old principal. *snort* Because don't we all want to get our high school principal wasted?
(Folks I went to high school with will get a giggle out of that visual!)
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