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June 07, 2005

It's Tuesday...

...and time for those Grrrr's. It looks like Straka is grrr-ing about Russell Crowe's asinine actions this week. Well, frankly, I don't blame Straka!

To paraphrase, Straka says that Hollywood stars today just aren't the class acts of yesteryear, "though maybe they never were." These big box office stars treat us "little people" like their servants.

Hmmmm, they get all snarly and nasty when we pay too much attention to them, but then if we don't photograph them and follow them, they wonder why they aren't popular anymore. Granted, that whole paparazzi thing is something I just don't understand, but I don't like having my picture taken either.

The only example I have to go by is what Husband and his "pards" experienced while making G&G. The actor who portrayed Chamberlain was reputed to be stand-offish and a bit rude, while the actor playing Jackson was really nice and even posed for pictures with the reenactors. We have one, somewhere amidst our still unpacked boxes of Husband shaking hands with the actor.

Now, hmmmm.....why was actor #1 such a poophead? A man who played a ridiculous character in "Dumb and Dumber" shouldn't be so snotty, don't you think? (A funny aside here....Bruce Boxleitner played a Confederate General who I can't remember, and while filming the Fredericksburg scenes, he shouted to his men "Here comes dumb, dumber, dumbass!" as actor #1 came charging up the hill with the Union troops.)

Forgive me, folks, I can't remember names so early in the morning...that "mother brain" thing again.

Anyhoo, I don't know where I'm going with this. I've never encountered any big star types, really. I was a few yards away from Stephen Lang, who played Jackson, and he looked right at me, and do you know what I did? Smiled like a big stupid ass and quoted his lines from "Tombstone." Duh, der, uhhhhhhh.....(drool...) "We don't need no Kansas lawdogs 'round here, savvy?"

Yep, that's me, a class act all the way.

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