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May 02, 2005

Runaway Bride II

Okay, so I don't always listen to Sean Hannity (I can only take him in small doses) but he said something today regarding the bride in Georgia that got me thinking. Yeah, if I lived in that town I'd be ticked too, but let's be thankful she's alive. Can we agree that with every abduction our hearts sink a little more? Yes, she was wrong in her methods, to be sure, but she's still alive. Think of Laci Peterson. A beautiful woman who just wanted to have a baby, and her life, and that of her child's, was cut short. Scott Peterson should have just left her, divorced her. That would be sick, sure, but in the end Laci and Connor would still be alive.

I guess somehow once Hannity put it in that perspective I stopped snickering at it. I got nervous before my wedding, but I went out and got loaded the week before, and the day before my wedding I just holed up alone in my house. That's how I dealt with the nerves.

Oh yeah, I spoke with a nurse from the ENT doc's office today, and unless Daughter develops a fever or gets really bad with her stuff nose, the procedure is still on. In a way I was relieved, I'd just like to get the ear tubes over with. I've been chewing my nails for the last three weeks!

Husband is now feeling the effects of whatever germs are now invading our home. Thankfully there is only a month left of school, let's hope all this cold nonsense ends then so we can have a somewhat healthier summer.

I am counting the minutes until Son and Daughter are tucked in bed. I got a book on Saturday ("Forever" by Pete Hamill) and it really has me hooked. I can't sit down to read as much as I'd like, however, so anything I choose to read takes me a while. Anyone with kids knows what I mean.

Speaking of books, I'm also counting the days until Diana Gabaldon's newest comes out. I love the "Outlander" series.

Well, by the time on the clock I should be hustling Son into pajamas.

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