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June 09, 2006

Just Stuff

I hate packing to go anywhere. Why? Because yours truly has to pack for herself and the younglings. It's especially crappy because I have to remember the earplugs, sippy cups, diapers...for Daughter, that is.

And packing with kids underfoot is no fun either.

Yes, I'm in a mood today.

Son has been out of school for a week and already I'm losing it. He wants to watch dinosaur DVD's, which is fine, but Daughter pitches a fit. I tried to set Son up to watch his program on my laptop, but Daughter threw a tantrum, so now he's watching it on the TV. I have no problem with this, but it does get a bit mind numbing after a while.

Son is officially a second grader. We got his final report card yesterday and he got straight A's. We're pretty proud of him. He also got his College Camp for Kids info yesterday, and they're having a "Dino Digs" class...which Son just about fell off his chair over. He could teach the class! I sent in his registration today.

The community college is also offering...wait for it...Spanish classes! Trying to tell us something, hmmm??

Oh well.

Aside from the news that US Forces got The Grand Tampon, I'd like to share the news that I have no cavities. Hey, that's news!

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Posted by Groovyvic at 08:21 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

My son's school has Spanish classes. It is treated just like art, music, gym, etc. They would send home their words to practice. Now I did have 4 years in HS and 2 in college, and I still has having trouble rolling my rrr's during the pronunciation. Congrats on the all A's. I have found that I am more stressed on son's report card day than I ever was on my own. He did very well also. Of course, I am reminded quite often that he received his father's brains.

Posted by: Kim at June 9, 2006 11:27 AM

Congratulations on the straight As!

Our middle school offered Spanish and French and the students got what they got. The HS offers Spanish, French, German, Latin and Japanese! Granted that's HS. Actually US schools are behind the times, most countries have "foreign" language classes from the moment the kids start school.

Posted by: Anna at June 9, 2006 06:21 PM

Oh, congratulations on all the A's. I remember earlier posts about how much trouble he was having with math. I am glad he has been rewarded for his efforts because it sounds like his teachers are a little screwed up and not the best the profession has to offer. Do you have a parks and recreation program he can go to? They're very popular in FL because they don't cost much and keep kids busy for most of the day.

Posted by: junebee at June 13, 2006 11:26 AM