July 28, 2006
Fashion Advice

I've seen this picture quite a bit around Blogaritaville, and trust me, I hate posting it on this here blog, but I've gotta say...
DAYUM! I wouldn't dress my two-year-old in that skirt! Did she get that from MacOmar the Tent Maker? Cripes.
Aside from the whole "fasting" thing (and face it, she could stand to lose a few pounds), she can't take time out of her busy bitching and whining - er, protest - schedule to thumb through a copy of Vogue?
Is she trying to go for that "naughty Catholic school girl" look?
You know what would look really good on her? A shirt with a nice, big bulls-eye on it.
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Wow, that's butt-ugly!
Posted by: junebee at July 28, 2006 05:44 PMIs she trying to go for that "naughty Catholic school girl" look?
Thanks for ruining that particular fetish for me FOREVER....
I can't sign as my actual name anymore because your filters consider the first two letters of my name to be questionable content....
Posted by: Memento Moron at July 28, 2006 11:34 PMBleck. Just bleck!
Posted by: Anna at July 29, 2006 12:00 AMSorry, MM!
Posted by: GroovyVic at July 29, 2006 06:06 AMMu Nu has been having some problems with blacklisting and whatnot...
Posted by: GroovyVic at July 29, 2006 06:10 AMYeah, well, not like I was ever gonna get a naughty catholic schoogirl anyway, so it's probably for the best....
Posted by: Memento Moron at July 29, 2006 05:17 PM