July 29, 2006
You Kiss Your Mama With That Mouth?

Yes, this man is very supportive of the troops. See how he's giving the one-finger salute to the camera?
It's this kind of "support" that keeps my awake at night.
Thankew ThirDEE because I swiped this from her
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You can find out more about that pic at Contact Right. His link is in my post. If you scroll down, almost to the bottom, you can read just what he, a soldier, thinks of Code Pink. (It's pretty darn awesome.)
If my memory serves me correctly, that pansie is flipping off people going IN to Walter Reed. Yeah.
Posted by: thirdee at July 29, 2006 08:55 AMCode Pinkos support our troops as much as dead-beat dads support their kids.
Posted by: Anna at July 30, 2006 01:24 PMElijah, which is who I borrowed the pic from also happens to be the photographer. He's currently in WRAMC. So, the Code Pink idiot was flipping on of our injured soldiers off.
You are right on ANNA.
Most of the Code Pink women are more interested in forwarding their radical rights than they are our soldiers.
Posted by: thirdee at July 30, 2006 09:21 PM