October 12, 2007
"Welcome! Welcome To You All!"
Last night, Husband received an invitation to go to Normandy.
I said:
"Oh, you've got to go! It's France! The land of your blood! Normandy! D-Day! The Longest Day! You could stand on the beach like Robert Mitchum!"

Husband gave me a very dry look and said:
"It's going to cost around $4000. I'll get there someday, but just not right now."
To which I replied:
"Oh, you'd better change that pronoun to 'we.' As in 'We will get there someday.' Come on! Where else can I run around saying 'John has a long mustache'? Or 'fills my heart with a monotonous langour'? Which is really 'remplit mon coeur de langour monotone.'"
Yeah....I love The Longest Day. Let's watch it again!!!
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Posted by Groovyvic at 08:45 AM
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