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January 12, 2008

Screaming MEME!

It's Saturday, Husband is at work, and the kids are messing around, so I thought I'd swipe a MEME from a blog bud:

Have you:
1. Been to a play: Yes, Broadway, 1986.

2. Bungee jumped or something similar: Absolutely not.

3. Been a mentor/big brother/big sister: Well, years ago, when I’d accepted Jesus, one of the ladies in church thanked me for taking her daughter “under my wing.” I guess she thought I’d be a good influence. I have no idea what that girl is doing now.

4. Read at least one of the classics (War and Peace, The Great Gatsby, The Red Badge of Courage, Beowulf, Crime and Punishment, etc): Red Badge, Beowulf, and Gatsby. I was an English major, remember? I even had a whole unit plan made up for Red Badge.

5. Stood up for someone publicly: Does church count?

6. Been on a major roller coaster: Yep. Cedar Point in Sandusky, OH. I used to love all roller coasters, but age has started to set in and now I get pukey sick.

7. Been to a drive-in movie: Yes.

8. Done something at a drive-in movie other than watch the movie: I never kiss and tell.

9. Done volunteer work: Does church count?

10. Given a toast at a wedding, a eulogy at a funeral, or some similar, meaningful speech: Hmmm, meaningful speech. Well, if standing up and saying a few words at my bridal shower counts, then yes, I guess so.

11. Been to a major sports playoff game: No.

12. Thrown a costume or theme party: No. Although, when I was reenacting, that was like a three day costume party.

13. Been on or near the set of a major motion picture: Yes. I was at VMI as an extra in Gods and Generals.

14. Taken a compliment well: No. Low self-esteem issues.

15. Planted a tree: Yes, if replanting a live Christmas tree counts.

16. Been stung by a jellyfish or something similar in/near the ocean: No.

17. Quit a crappy job: Yes.

18. Been on a blind date: Yes. And none of them led to anything more than a first date.

19. Done something kind and unexpected for a stranger: I just did something kind and unexpected at Christmas for a guy who goes to our church. I don’t know all that much about him, so does that make him a stranger?

20. Had a major surgery: Does my surgery in May count?

21. Taken a car/truck road trip that covered at least 6 states: Hmmm…we went to NC on our honeymoon. Not enough states.

22. Been in 4 or more countries: Just Canada, but that was a long time ago. Husband is the traveler in the family.

23. Spent New Year’s Eve somewhere special: No. The last time I went anywhere for New Year’s was 20 years ago and our host blew off half his hand with an M-80. Ever since then I’ve had an aversion to New Year’s celebrations.

24. Visited an ancient landmark: Only if repeated trips to Gettysburg count. Again, Husband is the traveler…

25. Been face to face with a celebrity by chance: Um…does Brian Pohanka count? Local news people? I did meet the DA for Erie County, PA…Geraldo has interviewed him!

26. Given to charity in the past two years: Yes. I should own Gettysburg by now!

27. Helped a stray animal: Yes. Several years ago I adopted a stray cat and named him Tut.

28. Dated someone you met online: No.

29. Won money on a long shot: Nope.

30. Won your office/family/friends NCAA tournament pool: Never been in one.

31. Won an award/medal (even if something “small”): I won a Tiffany award (a necklace from Tiffany) when I worked for Manpower.

32. Driven a foreign sports car: No, can’t drive a stick.

33. Been in the front row for a concert: The closest I ever got was second row for a Bryan Adams concert.

34. Attended a symphony orchestra performance: Yes, Husband is a classical music junkie.

35. Caught a criminal in the act and did something about it (reported it, smacked them in the head, etc): No.

36. Sung solo on a stage: No.

37. Witnessed something supernatural: I don’t think so.

38. Covered for someone (who deserved it) at work: Never.

39. Overcome a major fear: No, I’m 37 and still afraid of the dark.

40. Mailed a surprise care package to a loved one: Sort of, when Husband was in Saudi, but it wasn’t very big.

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Posted by Groovyvic at 08:59 AM | Comments (0)