August 15, 2006
Give me a head with hair! Long, beautiful hair!

All right, what the hell is this? Kate Hudson and that hairy sumbitch she's now separated from had a boy, right? Ryder Russell Robinson (reading, writing, 'rithmatic) Jingelheimer Schmitt??
This kid has longer fookin' hair than my daughter.
Good grief.
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What is she waiting for....cut that mane already.
Posted by: LeeAnn at August 15, 2006 07:00 PMFor a minute I thought that pic WAS of you and your daughter.
TFR was reluctant to get The Lad his first haircut, but that's going a bit far! Incidentally, she was not phased by people mistaking The Lad for a girl. The nail in the coffin that convinced her to make the appointment? I looked at his hair and said, "You know, that's long enough to be a mullet!" She called the salon the next day.
Posted by: Memento Moron at August 15, 2006 07:33 PMIn all honesty, my daughter's hair is this long, but it's so naturally curly that it sproings up like Nellie Oleson's hair.
Having a husband in the military has put the kibosh on our having a son with long hair. Nope, Son goes under the clippers at least once a month.
There is nothing wrong with a mullet as long as the wearer doesn't perm the back and leave the front straight. Ugh...
Posted by: GroovyVic at August 16, 2006 07:49 AMThat's a boy?!?! Ack! I know boys and girls look pretty much the same prior to puberty. That's why we have blue and pink clothes, trucks and flowers, etc. It's not for the kids - it's for the rest of the world.
There's a boy at our martial arts school who is short and chubby and has long hair. Honestly, I can't see that he doesn't get made fun of in school. His mother should make him get it cut.
Posted by: junebee at August 16, 2006 07:13 PM